A very Happy New Year to all of you!
I started a quest to find commercial space in order to open up a yoga studio in August of 2023 after paying hourly rental charges to local studio for over 5 years including before and after the pandemic. I did not think it would take as long as it has to find some commercial studio space in Central Phoenix and then combined with having coronavirus in November, rolling into Thanksgiving and then 2 weeks in Michigan to help my parents out with a few things... this has been quite a few months. I also work a corporate job 40 hours per week which does not come without it's obstacles.
On January 1st, Jim, Sam and I visited Off Chute Too in Phoenix to go buy underwear and poppers. We spoke to the owner and told him how difficult it had been finding the right space to open up a yoga studio in, and did he know of anything. I do not know exactly by what conversations, happenstance and Gay Mafia connections came into alignment that day but when I met the building owner and landlord on January 3rd, the universe literally and actually dropped this finished, ready to go studio space upstairs from the store which has been a Brazilian dance studio for the past 10 years. They are terminating their lease on January 31st.
The space is more than the 1100-1300 square feet I was looking for. ALOT more.
I don't think this place could be more perfect:
2750 square feet
East and West Facing Windows
2 Bathrooms
1 Kitchen
Private Instruction Room
Front Desk Alcove
6 Paved Parking Spots
Overflow Parking on 6th Drive
Key Location in the Melrose Neighborhood
Bear Naked Yogi PLLC is going to be signing a lease this week and putting down the security deposit and first months rent on a lease that starts February 1st! Men's Naked Yoga is coming back with more classes and no more driving up to our house in North Phoenix, schlepping heavy partner yoga mats up and down the stairs, worrying about prop storage and offending the neighbors. This is an opportunity to also add in clothed classes and expand my community program to more than just my niche of Men's Naked Yoga.
We're opening up the studio under the name 'Yoga For Every Bodhi'. Look for more announcements in the next couple of weeks. Several of you have come to me over the past year and have offered financial or volunteer help; and I keep telling you to wait until the time is right. If you are still willing, the time is right now!
I will make more announcements in the next 2 weeks, but it's ok to tell everyone that there's a new yoga studio in town. My side gig has kept it real for long enough; and it's time to take this to the next level.
